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Search Tips Note: This web site is best viewed with Internet Explorer 5 or higher or Netscape 6 or higher. The photographs in People of A Thousand Towns are searchable in several different ways. You can pick one of the following indexes to search on or perform a search on several indexes at once ("combination search"). Any search will return a list of pictures that meet your criteria. Click on the thumbnail pictures to see full catalog descriptions and larger images. Click on the large image on the full record page to see an even larger view of the photograph. (Note: Large-size images not available over the Internet.) Indexes (click to get more information about each): City and TownCountry Keyword Year Photographer Proper Names City and Town IndexThe City and Town Index permits searches for photographs from specific towns and cities in Eastern Europe. The A-Z index contains many variants of town and city names. This is the best type of search if you are looking for pictures from a specific town or city. For example:
Terms used in the index represent Russian, Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Hungarian, Romanian, Czechoslovakian, German, and Yiddish variants of place names. The list is comprehensive, but may not include every variant of place name. To use the City and Town Index, click on "Browse" for the A-Z index, select a term, and then click the "Search" button. Or if you already know your city name, type it into the City/Town Name field and click "Search." Country IndexYou can search for photographs according to what country they belonged to between World Wars I and II. Available country searches are: Bulgaria, Caucasus, Central/East Asia (Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Bukhara, Uzbekistan), Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, and Romania. (Note: some terms in this list are regions rather than countries.) These geographical designations may not return comprehensive results. They are based on the cataloging system of the YIVO Archives, which assigns photographs to countries based on the map of Europe between World Wars I and II. For example, Munkacs (Munkatsch, Mukacevo, Mukachevo, Munkatsh) belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire before World War I, to Czechoslovakia from 1920-1938, to Hungary in 1938-1945, to the Soviet Union in 1945-1991, and to Ukraine today. In this catalog, you will find it in Czechoslovakia, the country to which it belonged during most of the interwar period. There are many similar examples. Photographs from places which were part of Poland and the USSR during the period between World Wars I and II are not searchable by country, since they represent the bulk of this catalog and would return many thousands of photographs as search results. For photographs from these countries, please refine your search by searching the City and Town Index or by performing a keyword search. KeywordThe Keyword Index allows searches for photographs based on words in their descriptions. For instance, a search for the word fish will obtain the photograph/record with the description:
and any other photograph/record in which the word fish appears in the description. Important:
YearSearch People Of A Thousand Towns for photographs taken in a particular year or time period. For example, typing in 1935 to 1935 will return photographs taken only in the year 1935, while entering the terms 1935 to 1938 will return a list of photographs taken taken in 1935 through 1938. Photographer IndexYou can search People Of A Thousand Towns by photographer. Most of the photographers represented in People Of A Thousand Towns are not famous. Those whose names are known to us tended to be ordinary commercial studio photographers who practiced their craft in Eastern Europe before World War II. Note: Photographs credited to press agencies are not available for viewing over the Internet. Proper NamesThere is no index of individuals and/or organizations. See Keyword for tips on how to search for proper names. |